Testimonials and Transformations


Here are some of the amazing transformations Dr. Christina has taken her clients through! 

Melissa Turner-Testimonial

“Christina has taught me how to live and work with new energy. I know what I will no longer tolerate or settle for in my business. She has taught me how to write posts with magnetic messaging so that I can have soulful sales conversations with my ideal clients. Before the Confident Client Attraction program officially started, Christina gave me some homework to do. I began to see results immediately and called in a new paid client ($2300!) within the first week of the program!”- Melissa Turner

Ashley Walker-Testimonial

“Working with Christina has been AMAZING! I felt like she really understood what I was struggling with and helped to push. me in the right direction. The amount of support is beyond amazing especially if you get 1:1 with her. I have learned how to shift my energy and confidence – I practice it every day and it really does make a difference in every area of my life! I began to see results immeditely and called in new paid opportunities! -Ashley Walker

Morgan Peters- Testimonial

“Because of this program, I learned to love myself again. I could feel the weight lift off my shoulders in each session that I had with Christina. I learned to be open and honest with myself and others. I can actually ‘live’ again. I’m genuinely forever grateful for the time Christina took with me. I used to feel so hopeless, but now I am beyond hopeful”- Morgan Peters

Testimonial- Brittany Remington

“I highly recommend Christina as a speaker as she is engaging, empowering, and genuine! I saw her speak recently at a networking event and she was relatable and lead the group through a powerful, transformative exercise. You’ll leave her talk with a new perspective on yourself and fresh ideas and tools for taking control of your life.”-Brittany Remington

Melinda Fowler- Testimonial

“After working with Christina, I see how I’ve transformed in such a short amount of time! I am more secure in the belief in myself and I am showing up as my authentic self. I would recommend working with Christina for anyone that is looking to step out of their comfort zone, release negativity holding them back, and show up but to also shine as their true, authentic self. To all of my pharmacist and/or entrepreneur colleagues, if you’re looking for ways to be solid in your foundations and your vision, magnetically attract the RIGHT clients for your business and believe in yourself like never before, I highly recommend you connect with Dr. Christina Fontana!”- Melinda Fowler

Michelle Golden-Testimonial

“Working with Christina has helped me grow tremendously, not only as an entrepreneur, but as a person. She comes to each session ready to dive in and help you unlock any potential challenges and hindrances you are holding onto. Her energy is captivating and she is there to support you in every step. As a result of working with Christina, I’ve started seeing business opportunities pop up. By expanding my energy and opening myself up, I am now able to receive and walk through the doors God is opening for me. If you’re considering working with Christina, JUST DO IT! She’s 100% worth every penny.“- Michelle Golden

Catherine Henderson- Testimonial

“Dr. Christina is an excellent business and transformation coach. She is very intuitive and able to help in practical applications of business principles as well as facilitate personal breakthroughs that are limiting business success. She fully invests herself in her client’s world to help them reach the best outcomes and is very thoughtful in her approach. I enjoyed working with her and look forward to seeing her continued success.”- Catherine Henderson

Ashley Sullivan- Testimonial

“Dr. Christina is a talented intuitive. She is insightful, caring, and supportive through your healing journey. She helped me in some of my darkest days, release those feelings and work through them to healing. She opened my life to entrepreneurship and has been a valuable mentor. Her impact on the pharmacy industry will be felt for a long time. Thanks for all you do!”- Dr. Ashley Sullivan

Lauren Dantimo-Testimonial

“Christina always creates a safe space to share the hard stuff, the things we are normally afraid to talk about out loud. You are always safe with her, and she is there for you every step of the way! Because of EHA, I launched my first program! I started teaching fitness classes where I had 10 women show up! And I grew to have the best month in my business!- Lauren Dantimo

Lauren Castle- Testimonial

“I am so grateful for Christina’s support last year in helping me do the deep inner work, recognize a tons of subconscious patterns that traced back to my own childhood microtraumas, and learn how to better regulate my nervous system. Christina gave me all the practical tools and structures to launch my new programs for 2024 that I get to continue playing with!”- Lauren Castle

Kelli A. Komondor-Testimonial

” I had the pleasure of attending Cori and Christina’s Show Up and Shine Workshop. It was a jam-packed four hours of information and best practices for writers – those who are seasoned and those just starting out! I especially enjoyed the mindset and energy/transformation work Christina shared with us.
We meditated and did a tapping exercise, which I found very beneficial.
Cori’s common-sense strategies for writing were on point. We talked about telling your truth when writing and why it’s important to be ready to share – and how much to share! I jotted down something Cori said that resonated with me, “You are giving AND receiving when you tell your story.” It was an amazing experience, and I would attend another workshop where they partner and provide value”! ~Kelli A. Komondor

Jennifer Teat Bourgeois-Testimonial

Being in Elevate Entrepreneur Academy has helped me tremendously! I’ve released so much and have moved from the old masculine hustling energy to a more relaxed, feminine, receptive energy, which has felt so amazing.
I also launched my first 12 week group program, called in 4 new soul clients, and had my first $3500 month in my business! I know that those tangible outcomes came as a result of doing the work with Christina in Elevate Entrepreneur!” 🙌
~Jennifer Teat Bourgeois

Melissa LeGeyt-Testimonial

“My biggest insight while in this program was realizing that my money stress was rooted deeply with the trauma of losing my father unexpectedly and that I still had a lot to process with grief and forgiveness related to that.
The decluttering module was very eye-opening. I love the change in perspective from just getting rid of excess things to making room for new growth and opportunities and changing our environment to fit who we want to be. My other favorite module was doing the forgiveness inventory and releasing work.” -Melissa LeGeyt

Carlene Link- Testimonial

“This 14 day trial of Elevate Healers Academy has been a game changer both personally and professionally for me and my business! I jumped feet first into the Elevate Healers Academy 14 day trial because I knew working with Christina would help me shift blocks to move forward. The Facebook group and content is literal gold-Christina pours herself into her clients and is constantly engaging the group, shares so much information, encourages us to ask her questions and also paired us with accountability partners which was very helpful! I cannot wait to work with Christina again because I saw the shifts after only working together for 14 days, so imagine was six months will do!✨  -Carlene Link

Mariam Yanikyan-Testimonial

“Christina’s Pristine helped me lay down the energetic foundation of my coaching business with intention, integrity, and love. The internal energetic shifts started reflecting in my external environment when I signed on my first client shortly after. I have grown so much this year with her help!”-Mariam Yanikyan

Deanna Budziszewski- Speaker Testimonial

“Christina gave a presentation for my market managers meeting and it was a HUGE success! Christina exudes positive energy and has the ability to identify people’s gifts quickly to help them soar to new heights in their business!

She helped my team of market managers unlock and translate their unique gifts into a magnetic, fun 60 second elevator pitch they could use at networking meetings. She also helped them strategize about innovative ways to engage and attract new clients to increase sales. I highly recommend hiring her for any corporate speaking event! ”

-Deanna Budziszewski

Soojin Jun-Testimonial

“After working with Christina at her May 2021 retreat, I sought healing in various ways and started setting healthy boundaries in my life. I now know that healing ourselves is the biggest gift you can give to yourself, others, and the world As a result of our work, I cofounded an activist group, have spoken at conferences and also a WHO’s webinar!”✨

-Soojin Jun

Cori Wamsley-Testimonial

“I’ve known Christina for years now, and her work has been highly impactful to me and my career! Through my work with Christina, I discovered that she has a huge heart for helping others, sees you as the best you can be, and helps you find the path there. I highly recommend working with her! Since our work, I’ve been able to expand my coaching programs, publish 2 books, be on multiple podcasts, speak on stages, and even start a publishing house!”

-Cori Wamsley

Katie Wood- Testimonial

“After working with Christina, I truly began owning my value as a coach. Rather than charging an hourly rate, I started pricing based upon the potency of the transformation and value I provide. As a result of our work, I hit my first $11k month, sold my first high-ticket $8k program, created multiple income streams for my business, was featured as an expert speaker on podcasts & summits, co-authored a book, and spoke on stage at a Conference!”✨

-Katie Wood

Dee Ann Valles-Testimonial

“After working with Christina, I found my authentic voice and am now able to show up confidently on social media and attract new clients for my business! Christina held the safe space for me to heal so that I could release blocks, regulate my nervous system, and focus on what my body and mind needed to authentically show up for my business.”✨

-Dee Ann Valles

Kelli Komondor- Healers in Healthcare Conference

“All of what Christina and the other speakers talked about could be adjusted to any industry and useful for any entrepreneur! The team-building activity – Idea to Implementation – was my favorite part of the conference – working with four smart, creative entrepreneurs was so enlightening and I learned a lot about ways to propel my business forward!” ✨

-Kelli Komondor

Lauren Dantimo- Healers in Healthcare Conference


“It is so amazing to be here in this space with Christina’s energy, with all the energy and the people that I’ve connected with and learned from here is really life-changing experience.”✨

Thea Blystone-Healers in Healthcare Conference

“Christina can pull it [blocks/stuck energy] out of you like no one I have ever seen! She is simply amazing! At this Conference, I got to enjoy the environment of like-minded individuals with a lot of awesome energy from Christina!”✨

-Thea Blystone

Kris Ochs-Healers in Healthcare Conference


“I came to the Healer’s in Healthcare Conference looking for community with other like-minded pharmacists. And when I got out of this Conference was so much more!”✨

-Kris Ochs

Lauren Castle- Healers in Healthcare Conference

“This is my first retreat/conference experience with Dr.Christina and it’s been an incredible weekend! Christina and I have been connected for almost a decade at this point. And this is really my first time learning from her in this type of environment.
So for me, I think what I’ve enjoyed most about this conference is really the people, the connections,the community being with like-minded individuals that are all on the same path,but completely different ways in terms of figuring out what our gifts are that we have to offer to the world.”✨
-Lauren Castle

Cori Wamsley- Healers in Healthcare Conference


“This was such an amazing Conference! I was so blown away by every aspect of the it all. From the venue, to the teachings that Dr. Christina provided, to people who were there. Highly recommend!”✨

–  Cori Wamsley

Trish Francetich- Healers in Healthcare Conference


“This conference has been amazing and I’ve connected with so many incredible people! I’ve been working on and off with Christina for a year and I loved this event! I will be back next year!”✨

-Trish Francetich

Kevin Walker- Healers in Healthcare Conference


“This Conference is unlike any other that I’ve been to before. We really connected with each other and after leaving this Conference, I can honestly say that I am looking forward to the future of pharmacy and where we are headed!”

-Kevin Walker

Marina Buksov- Healers in Healthcare Conference


“Christina made everybody feel so welcomed! It was so apparent how intentional she was with every detail and activity at the event. I loved the nervous system regulation + trauma informed perspective as it’s helpful for my patients and my own growth!”

-Marina Buksov

Aisha Heslop Testimonial

Christina has this amazing gift of instantly putting you at ease and making you feel safe to stretch into your next level. She is able to quickly feel into the energy of what her clients are experiencing to help them shift and pull out your unique gifts so you can shine in your brilliance. Christina’s coaching style is gentle and she will ALWAYS lovingly challenge you to stretch you into your Highest self.
Even before we started the Brilliant Soul program, Christina sent me an in-depth bonus video with feedback on notes I sent her detailing my business structure. She gave excellent feedback and helped me clarify my vision before the program even started! We quickly co-created my pleasure-led Signature program and dialed into the messaging to help me start calling in my soul clients. It was truly a gift having her check in with me everyday and being a resource as I started putting together my Signature Offer.
After the Brilliant Soul program, my approach to my business has shifted tremendously! Instead of approaching it with pressure, stress, and overwhelm I was reminded that this soul-aligned business of mine needs to feel fun for me. There was an ease, knowing that everything will unfold at the right time. My energy was lighter by the end of the program and I am so excited to implement everything we did together!
Truthfully I can see this program benefitting any high-achieving woman looking to make a difference in the world as a healer!
-Aisha Heslop

Lauren Dantimo Testimonial

“Because of this program, I launched my first course!  Before beginning this program, all I had was an idea.  I didn’t have a business yet or any offers and within 5 months, I launched my first course!
Being in Christina’s energy is not something to take lightly.  She makes her clients feel safe and heard.  She doesn’t dismiss anyone’s struggles, instead she holds them in a safe space, so they feel supported to confront emotions and release old programming.  Going through this journey with other women in my position was incredibly encouraging.  We all lean on each other and support each other’s goals.  If we were ever stuck throughout the program, Christina was there to help.  We all do the work on our own, but her guidance helped tremendously.
At first, I didn’t think the program was appropriate for me.  I didn’t have a business yet.  I knew I wanted to start a business and only had a vague idea of what I wanted to do.  But I took the leap anyway, and I’m so glad I did.  I would recommend this program for anyone in entrepreneurship and at any stage.  There is so much useful content throughout this program, it applies to any stage of entrepreneurship.  Christina teaches strategy, but more importantly, she teaches the internal work we must do to reach that next level.  We are good at burying trauma, but subconsciously it’s still stuck in our bodies and not serving us.  This program helps bring it to your conscious mind so you can release it and move forward.
My biggest breakthrough during this program was realizing how much hurt and betrayal I was hiding deep into my subconscious.  I knew these emotions on the surface, but didn’t realize how much they were holding me back because I chose to bury them instead of feeling them.  Christina made me feel safe to actually feel them and piece by piece, I have been able to release them.  When old programming and things no longer serving us are released, we make space for new things to find us.  After each release, I would get clearer of where I wanted to take my business.
I am so happy I took the leap when I did and did the work for this program.  I’m already so much more confident to pursue this new journey I have been waiting too long to pursue!  Thank you for everything!”
– Lauren Dantimo

Katie Wood Testimonial

“This program has literally sealed, signed and delivered so many things for me!! I have been doing this inner work and seeking pleasure within my business for over a year now. Pristine has really been the glue to make everything come together for me and stick. First off, laying down a healthy foundation of energetic integrity to lead within my business (and my personal life) has been so paramount! Being a mother and an entrepreneur both require a lot of presence and energy, (but if you’re out of alignment it’s impossible to have both) so being in pristine alignment with both has been incredible!❤️‍🔥I’ve been able to dial up my confidence not only by showing up live on social media, podcasts, conferences as well as my magnetic messaging! I think the biggest change I’ve experienced is regulating my nervous system and anchoring safety within the body. I had a potential client think about backing out of signing up for my program, and by anchoring in safety and coming from a place of love, she decided to sign up…now THAT is a total game changer! I also enjoyed the community and connection aspect of the program. Thank you Christina Fontana for sharing your brilliance and creating a ripple effect in the world by doing so! 💜✨

– Katie Wood

Tiff Fernandez Testimonial

“I doubled my coaching income, transitioned out of my pharmacy job, and manifested a full-time position at a gym to go full-time in my coaching business!”

– Tiff Fernandez

Melissa Hetrick-Retreat Testimonial

“I am SO glad I said YES to attending Dr. Christina’s retreat last year in May 2022!

From the moment I signed up for the retreat, I felt supported and was given meditations and a streamlined process for what to expect at the retreat.

When I met Christina in person, she embraced me with a big, comforting hug. The whole weekend felt like a HUG and I could feel Christina’s love for every woman in the room.

I cannot begin to share how much being in Christina’s programs has changed my life personally and professionally.

Not only did I leave the retreat with life-long friends and connections…I know that what I learned and the steps I took to further my business will pay off for years to come!”

-Dr. Melissa Hetrick

Catherine Henderson

“Dr. Christina is an excellent business and transformation coach.  She is very intuitive and able to help in practical applications of business principles as well as facilitate breakthroughs that are limiting business success.

She fully invests herself in her client’s world to help them reach the best outcomes and is very thoughtful in her approach.  I enjoyed working with her and look forward to seeing her continued success.”

~Catherine Henderson


Want to learn more? Contact me to explore 1:1 coaching options.

Aisha H. Testimonial

“I had one connection call with Dr. Christina and I was instantly blown away. Five minutes into the call I was in tears because she was able to see into my hidden emotions and draw them out of me with compassion and empathy. She then dialed into and articulated my healing gifts (that only few people know about me) and strategize how to monetize them as offers for my business. It was a transformative experience. I am truly grateful to have her on my entrepreneurial journey as a coach/mentor!”

~Aisha H.

Kristy Redmon-Elevate Entrepreneur Academy

“Gratitude and love for Christina Fontana for this wonderful experience! My goal was to have my product in 3 stores by the end of this year. Since then – I’m currently in 2 pop ups in Miami, 2 health care providers, and a retail shop up in the mountains. I call this a success!

As I close out my time in EEA, I’m armed with so many tools for moving forward. I feel like my life has totally changed and I’m ready for whatever the future holds!”

Katie Wood-Magnetic Wealth Queen

“I knew I wanted to be a part of Christina’s Magnetic Wealth Queen program as soon as I heard the words “pleasure-led”. Those words lit me up inside and I knew that was what I wanted for myself and my business.

I am so grateful for Christina’s unwavering support, guidance and genuine belief in me and my gifts. When I look back at 2022 as a whole I am SO PROUD of my personal and professional development.

With Christina’s intuition and support, I have released blocks and limiting beliefs which created space for many of my accomplishments. I spoke at a women’s retreat, sold my first high-ticket program, created a membership, podcast, Etsy shop, expanded my social media presence and I even co-authored a book!

Christina truly cares and wants to see you succeed and I am so thankful for her brilliance and friendship.”✨💜

Sarah Howard-Moving Beyond the Counter Book Review

“Healing from healthcare burnout

If you are feeling burnt out in healthcare and looking for inspiration to reignite the fire that brought you there in the first place, look no further. This book is JAM PACKED with wisdom, and so many perspectives to help you explore yourself, honor your brilliance, and embrace the possibility for *more* for your gifts.


Dr. Christina has such an amazing way of simplifying transformation, making it so easy to apply to our own busy lives, and then grow leaps and bounds. Like everything she does, she has once again delivered incredible value and love through this book and collection.”

Catherine Henderson-1:1 Client

“Working with Dr. Christina has helped me make a drastic shift in my business and open doors to new opportunities. In the past, I’ve really struggled to communicate my message with powerful language and speak to the core needs of my audience. Christina helped me find that voice and communicate my brilliance more clearly.

Additionally, we tore my business down to the bare bones and laid out a new structure that will scale with ease while serving my clients at an even higher level. This new foundation that was built during our time working together will allow me to grow my business and serve my clients for years to come. I’m looking forward to seeing the fruit of our work continue to grow.”

Janelle Dockray-Queen Unlocked Client

“Before working with Christina, I felt stuck and felt the desire to dive into her Queen, Unlocked 4 week program. I had been following her work for some time and wanted to take my business to the next level. 

The sessions with Christina were so powerful and she uncovered both my unconscious blocks AND my brilliance and gifts in such a natural way. 

Working with Christina helped me realize my purpose and superpower of being a connector and being able to connect pharmacists to the people and resources they need. 

I loved the bonus group session and her meditations; I found them really helpful and am still using them every night.

As a result of working with Christina, I raised my prices, which I was afraid to do previously and created my Career Clarity for Community pharmacist program which is launching this month! I am also launching a community platform to connect pharmacists and feel so excited about all that I’m doing in my business! 

I feel more confident in reaching out to people, overcame the fear of rejection, and naturally sharing the value of what I bring. Thank you, Christina – I know I made so much progress in your program!” 

-Janelle Dockray

Ready to Unlock your Queen? DM Christina to learn more and jump start your path to scaling your profitable business!

Jennifer Bourgeois-Elevate Entrepreneur Academy

“Being in Elevate Entrepreneur Academy has helped me tremendously! I’ve released so much and have moved from the old masculine hustling energy to a more relaxed, feminine, receptive energy, which has felt so amazing.

I also launched my first 12 week group program, called in 4 new soul clients, and had my first $3500 month in my business! I know that those tangible outcomes came as a result of doing the work with Christina in Elevate Entrepreneur!”

Trish Francetich-Lit Up Lightworker

“It’s been a powerful 8 months, Queen and I want to thank you from the depths of my heart for an amazing experience. I have learned so much about myself (blocks, superpowers, passions), gained so much clarity, and made many personal breakthroughs.  I have laughed, danced, cried, and even screamed during our sessions and I appreciate you always holding space for me to release those emotions so that my soul could evolve.

Before working 1:1 with Christina, I had 0 clients. Since then, I was able to leave my retail pharmacy job and I’m on my way to surpass my pharmacy income (>$10k!) I am also fully booked out with a 3 week waitlist with clients!

I’m so grateful for your guidance, Christina and I know that our connection will span this lifetime and beyond!”

Sarah Howard-Brilliant Soul Client

“I recently gave myself the gift of working 1:1 with Christina through her brilliant soul program, and it came at just the right time for me.

I already had first-hand knowledge of how powerful working with her can be…but this program was different.

Now that I’ve completed the brilliant soul program with Christina, I feel like we’ve unlocked the next level for me. Before working with her in this way, I knew that I had the ability to shift but I didn’t feel as though I had the ability or the confidence to sustain the shift or work through challenges as they reappeared or happened again. I’d get busy with life and forget my tools.

Working with Christina and this very intentional weeklong program was such a gift. I not only went through a lot of growth and releasing resistance, getting some relief from things that have been burdening me, but I also literally have made myself a tool kit of things that I can lean on going forward. I feel like I have so many tools now, right at my fingertips, to disrupt any patterns creep back in and tap into what’s going on and nourish myself — I’ve already been putting them into action IN REAL LIFE and it’s been a game changer.”

Elevate Entrepreneur Academy Testimonial by Sarah Meyers

“I wasn’t looking for business coaching, but the message Dr. Christina shared spoke right to my heart, and I knew it was exactly where I was meant to be. I was immediately drawn to her energy and knew that these transformational shifts were what I needed to move forward with my business.

EEA provided the framework to ask the deep questions that were ultimately holding me back. I invested in myself—I took the time to learn from the assignments, I turned inward while listening to the meditations, and I showed up for the live classes. It wasn’t easy at times, but I always felt fully supported by Dr. Christina and the other entrepreneurs in the group.

Not only did EEA allow me to dig deep into the blocks that were holding me back, it also provided structured business advice. I was able to create pricing options that reflected my value not just my service. I was able to design social media posts that spoke to my soul clients, drawing them in. With these resources combined, I was able to confidently double my initial pricing offer (I was selling myself short before EEA), and I was able to triple the number of 1:1 clientele.”

Angela Orr’s Testimonial of Elevate Entrepreneur Academy

“The Elevate Entrepreneur Academy was really wonderful!

I called in several clients at full price for my program. And my program had a complete overhaul and price increase while I was in the program.

One of the best things I also got out of the program was my accountability partner who is turning into such a good friend and deep connection. I love having such connections that really add to both of our lives.

I realized that although I have done a lot of internal work, I still had things I needed to release to continue on my journey. And I am doing just that!”

Melissa Hetrick-Elevate Entrepreneur Academy

“Investing in MYSELF has never come easy for me. After working with Dr. Christina for over a year, I understood she does not sugar coat her love, guidance, support, strength or willingness to stand for her clients. Recently, I was finally ready to say YES to investing in myself and I joined Elevate Entrepreneur quickly, knowing the investment to the program would reward me financially in the future.   Through EEA, my confidence ​in speaking with potential clients has expanded, therefor boosting my monthly gain.  My ​personal and professional relationships have deepened and I was able to sign on two new partners and guide them earn a $100 bonus and 5% commission! The 1:1 session with Dr. Christina highlighted the direction of my message so I can create my first signature offer soon! I highly recommend working with Christina!”

Kristy Redmon

“I found Dr. Christina totally by chance and I can honestly say that my life will never be the same. It was as if the universe opened up and she appeared just when I needed a transformation coach the most! I’m currently enrolled in Christina’s Elevated Entrepreneur Academy and I’m already clearing many of the subconscious blocks that have been holding me back in my business.
Through the detailed foundational trainings, modules, meditations, live group calls, and the Facebook group, I am gaining a whole new perspective on my business and my life. Instead of hiding from the spotlight, I’m publicly opening up my heart to my clients and introducing them to the real me. As I am beginning to feel safe doing this, I’m already reaping the rewards of my heart centered approach. If you’re ready to step up and do the inner work necessary to up-level your business, you need to call Dr. Christina. Prepare to be amazed because she will not disappoint!”

Katie Wood

“It’s hard not to feel inspired and motivated when you’re working with Christina. I have known Christina for over a year now and looking back to where I was, I am in awe of how far I’ve come in terms of personal and business development. After doing some of her self-paced courses, meditations and attending retreats, it was a no-brainer for me to join Elevate Entrepreneur Academy!

To be in Christina’s energy is to be wrapped in gentle loving but direct and guided support. EEA has you thinking outside of the box to tap into your unique gifts, show the universe why you are worthy of abundance and understand how you are truly supported, while navigating blocks and self-sabotages with ease and flow. After joining Elevate Entrepreneur Academy I finally understood the value that I give to my clients and sold my first high-ticket program!

I am so thankful I invested in myself because now I can show up confidently and authentically in my business.”

Melissa Thompson

“Sending out a HUGE thank you to Christina Fontana for her support and encouragement. Her 3 Day Visibility Challenge helped me realize how important it is to show up for myself to advance my business! You are showing me how to let my light shine!


I am learning so much from her and currently working through her book: Embracing Your Light as a Highly Sensitive Person. It is teaching me to develop and embrace my empathetic gifts.
Thank you ❣️

Melissa Hetrick

“I recently completed a 3 day business challenge with Christina Fontana, and I have to tell you I am so glad I did it. The information I learned is priceless, and this woman continues to amaze me!
I think my favorite part was the money vortex meditation. Hocus pocus you say? I say amazing!
The idea of putting money at the forefront of your brain and your thoughts, opens you up to receiving all kinds of gifts from around you!
A few of the things I received last week include… free lunch, free cookie, gift cards I found and lifted off my husband, stopped being lazy and returned items sitting around my house= refunds 💸💸💸. Bring it!”

Nina Oliver Castle

“I’m really thankful to Christina Fontana for creating the #visibility3daychallenge for us female pharmacist entrepreneurs.
I have seen so many wonderful people stretch and grow over the last few days. I love hearing what these women are doing in their businesses and how they are helping others. Some are staying in more pharmacy-related roles and some are stepping out. It is all good. It all involves health in some way. (If you need any kind of help in a certain area like herbalism, fitness, fertility, oncology, mental health, rapid transformation—there are so many areas!—but I might know someone!)
I have a hesitation of letting myself be out there and be seen, so this challenge helped me step out of my comfort zone. (I can’t grow remaining stuck in my comfort zone!) I posted and made myself vulnerable and I didn’t die! I am my own worst critic, and I am working to change that!
I’m thankful for everyone’s encouragement on my posts (and DMs) over the last few days. I’m not as afraid to be seen, and this challenge really helped that. It was the push I needed. I know if I get too comfortable, I have you all out there to help give me the push I need, right? Thank you! Lots of love for you!💖
😎OH! Guess who won the prize for most VISIBLE? Yep, I did! Woo-hoo!”

Angela Failor

Jenna Carmichael

Alexandria Rengifo

Stephanie Moore

Nina Castle

Amy Berry

Kathryn Green

Sarah Howard

Katie Wood

Nicole Grams

Testimonial from Angela Failor-Elevate Retreat

“Wow. I’m still in awe & blown away. What an incredible & life changing weekend! 🏝☀️❤️
I was honored to support my friend & life-coach Christina Fontana at her second Elevate Retreat for empath entrepreneurs this year!
Christina’s work is truly unique & impactful. You never leave her presence without leveling up! Christina doesn’t just talk the talk, she genuinely walks the walk! She will lovingly call you out to call you up & hold your hand through the process! Her intuition is always on point & there’s truly no one else like her to work with! 💖
She dedicates her life to helping others release their blockages to achieve their dreams! She is such an inspirational example of what living with self-love & integrity can do to shift you from merely existing to thriving!
I’m so thankful for Christina’s courage to step in to her own healing and soul-mission to support others on a similar path and call out their greatness! I love that she holds these retreats and supportive groups to connect like-minded women. It helps us all to remember we are not alone on our healing journey. It’s so comforting and empowering!
Thank you, Christina! You are a blessing to so many! I can’t wait to see where God takes you next! 💗

Jenna Carmichael

Jenna Carmichael

Testimonial for Nicole Howells

“Dr. Christina’s retreats are truly MAGICAL.

The Elevate Retreat allowed me to get my voice back and get clarity on a big life decision I’d been stuck on.

I had a huge release and breakthrough of epiphanies that helped me shed stories that were holding me back for years.  These breakthroughs FREED me to begin seeing my Higher self and what I’m put on the Earth to do.

Dr. Christina’s work is gentle, but fiercely awakening.  This work is deep and yet wrapped together in love, light, and warmth that exudes from her presence.

If’ you’re feeling scared to come, don’t overthink it – feel into your heart and jump in!  Open your arms to receive Dr. Christina’s magic – this is truly a life-changing experience!”

Testimonial for Catherine Delashaw Henderson

For those that are curious– I wanted to share my real world results from working with Christina Fontana. I was completely stuck in my business and had a block around promoting the business and myself. I did not know that I had a subconscious block (because it was subconscious) but after a year and a half of virtually zero results in my business I was ready to try things that were outside of the “norm” and my comfort zone.

I attended the Elevate retreat and joined the Elevate program and finally discovered my subconscious block>> and dealt with the lies I had been believing about myself. Results? Prior to my work with Christina I had launches that made $0-1K (some total flops and some limited success). I’ve had 2 launches since then– the first one when I had only done limited work and had a $3k launch and the next one post-retreat where I had my first 5-figure launch. 🚀 I share figures for those of you who need to justify the finances of a commitment like this but the truth is the value is so much greater than that in personal growth. Christina is a gem and has found her calling in helping others to rise.

Chinki Bhatia Testimonial

“Before my coaching with Christina I felt lost, overwhelmed and without a purpose. I knew the field I was in wasn’t my final destination, but I couldn’t identify my actual purpose. The lack of purpose often made me doubt my own capabilities. I saw a few videos of Christina on Facebook and interacted with her by email. In the first call she recommended signing up for her transformation coaching. I hesitantly joined her since I had fears/blocks holding me back and didn’t know how business and transformation coaching really worked.

But in the very first coaching session, Christina made me realize that this process is not just about setting up my business, but it is a journey to understand myself better, be more self aware as a person and transform to my most valued self. Only then would I find my passion and  land up succeeding in it. The first session left me feeling held, loved and ready to be transformed. I really treasure my sessions with Christina.

Over the last few months of working with Christina, I find her to be an incredibly professional, genuine and supportive person. She is an extremely competent coach who immediately gained my trust. What I really appreciate about her coaching is that she caters the sessions according to the client’s needs and doesn’t necessarily follow a blueprint which really benefited my journey. She’s walked me through my deepest grievances and encouraged me to release them.  She is always ready with her constructive feedback and  ideas to help me move forward in my journey. While working  with Christina, I landed up with some unexpected and exciting projects. It has certainly been a very important experience for me both professionally and personally.

I am very grateful to Christina for being so authentic and supportive and for nudging me outside my comfort zone, taking my business and mindset to the next level and much more. I highly recommend her as a coach!”

~Chinki Bhatia, Sacred Illumination Client

Allie Xu Testimonial

“Christina is intuitive, thoughtful, kind, patient, and experienced in the field of transformation, healing, and business. She is very relatable and I knew I could trust her to help me clear blocks holding me back.

Christina empowered me in my journey to pursue my soul mission along with transformational tools to support my journey. I absolutely loved the hypnosis, energy healing, meditation, and process of releasing that Christina took me through.

My favorite surprise was receiving a special care package with a Queen crown that came all the way from America to Australia!

I’d recommend Christina’s programs to anyone who is searching for her soul purpose and to live a limitless life. I know now that following my intuition is important along with having the power to change my frequency!

~Dr. Allie Xu, Sacred Illumination Client

Rachel Fagan Testimonial

She is genuine and wants her clients to grow and become the best versions of themselves. She is incredibly supportive, but also knows how to provide constructive feedback to move her clients forward. She was able to quickly tune in to my strengths and weaknesses and customize tools to help me overcome my negative self-talk, blocks, and limiting beliefs, all while maximizing my potential.
She so very clearly painted the big vision for my life that I struggled to see for myself. She approaches her work with love and grace.
The opportunity to work with Christina as my coach presented itself at the most perfect time in my life as I was just entering a period of major transition. I didn’t have a plan for my life, and I felt very stuck about how to move forward. Christina was an answer to many tear-filled prayers.
I had spent year building up walls of defense and protection that needed attention when I connected with Christina, and she’s really helped me to heal old wounds and step into my bigness.
She’s helped me to work through my negative thoughts and limiting beliefs to get my mindset in a healthy position and really helped me to get unstuck. I have found all of the tools that she has shared with me to be very beneficial, but her guided meditations are probably the most powerful tools for me. She has also helped me to tweak some things in my social media posts so that they are more engaging and useful for others.
She’s guided me to overcome my procrastination and helped me to build my confidence and step outside of my comfort zone so that I can grow. Indirectly, she’s also helped me to improve my relationship with my husband. We’ve been in a stage of life where we’ve just been going through the motions due to our demanding schedules.
As a result of working with Christina, we started talking a lot more and our communication is better than ever. It’s not just me who is going through this transformation, it’s both of us.
My husband helps me to process what I’m learning from Christina and takes an active role in this investment that I’ve made in myself, for myself and for my family. I’m so incredibly grateful for Christina’s gifts and heart-felt offerings for others!
Christina kept surprising me with invitations to retreats and surprise tools that she felt I would benefit from (and I absolutely DID!).
I also now have the incredible opportunity to be a part of her team as her virtual assistant, and I’m so excited about this and about my future!”
– Rachel Fagan

Mirlene L. – Ignite Your Light Retreat Testimonial

“Dr. Christina is caring, compassionate and fun. She really wants you to successfully create your dream. She helps you face thoughts and emotions that are holding you back from being your true self. The retreat was huge for me because it was so comforting to know I am not the only one struggling with feeling of self-doubt or unworthiness. 

This retreat gave me so many new tools and love being connected with this group of like-minded women! I’ve been listening to the meditation and hypnosis ever since! 

I would recommend any of Dr. Christina’s retreats to anyone tired of the status quo of their lives and ready to gift the world with their wonderful talents.” 

-Mirlene L.

Niloufar – Ignite Your Light Retreat Testimonial

“Christina is a bright light that shines on everyone she meets. There is something healing about just being in her presence and you get the feeling that she wants to see her clients and friends become the best version of themselves. As a coach she is very tuned in and perceptive, and will honestly share what she thinks each person’s blocked points of awareness are and will hold people she loves accountable in the kindest most empowering way. 

She doesn’t want anyone to play small, and we love her for it. She has a huge amount of knowledge in the entrepreneurial realm, having started her own businesses, and shares her steps in creating a conscious joy-based business model and plan from step 1 all the way to the end.

My biggest takeaway from this retreat was knowing that other people are having very similar doubts and struggles as me. I’d recommend this for any and all women who are interested in starting a business/blog/service or having thoughts of this but struggling with imposter syndrome or self doubt.”


Renee S. – Ignite Your Light Retreat Testimonial

“My favorite part of the retreat was connecting with other women and realizing we all go through similar challenges and fears. 

I love Dr. Christina’s demeanor…from her down to Earth manner and frankly speaking to her encouraging comments. I think she is an amazing coach from the few experiences I’ve had. She is very inspiring and authentic.

I’d recommend this retreat for any woman who feels stuck in a life or job they aren’t happy in. You don’t have to stay stuck in fear!”

-Renee S.

Brooke G. – Ignite Your Light Retreat Testimonial

“I’d describe Dr. Christina as approachable and supportive. She has this ability to see gifts in everyone and truly wants the best for everyone. My favorite part of this retreat was the movement and anchoring the vision for what I want to create in my life and business. By the end of the retreat I felt inspired that I have something big to offer the world. 

I’d recommend Dr. Christina’s retreats/programs for anyone who has self-doubt they can’t seem to overcome; someone who is open to learning new ways to approach negativity.”

Autumn Thomas Testimonial for Quantum Queen e-course

Cori Wamsley Testimonial for Quantum Queen Program


Dr. Sheila Colon Testimonial for Strategic Ascension

“From the moment I started Strategic Ascension, Christina made me feel SO held and supported.There were many times where I doubted myself,

stressed out, or fell into fears. Her gentle, honest guidance allowed me to remember who I’ve always been. That the strong, fierce, fiery healer was always there within me. That’s what allowed

me trust her fully with my business journey.

After that first step I made with her, old patterns and beliefs kept coming to the surface, and she was always there to gently remind me that those things didn’t define me, they it is okay to feel and release, and that there was something better on the other side. Christina reminded me of who I was made me believe in myself again!!”

– Dr. Sheila Colon – Pharmacist

Dr. Marina Buksov Strategic Ascension Testimonial

“What I’ve gained from Strategic Ascension went above and beyond my expectations!

Christina shines in what she does and helps each of us in the program reach our goals and rise above limitations.

Even after her office hours, I received personal attention and feedback from her that helped me overcome a big fear and limiting belief.

Throughout the program she gave additional bonus materials and content I didn’t expect and even sent thoughtful gifts to each of us!

As an added benefit, I received heartfelt support from the other participants and feel we all got really close.
Going forward I feel proud to have gone on this transformative journey, led by Christina and flanked by the wonderful women I got to know in the program.”

– Dr. Marina Buksov – Pharmacist

Angela Orr – Strategic Ascension Testimonial

Angela Orr

Merilee Smith Testimonial

Dr. Mariam Yanikyan – Pharmacist

I have just completed Dr Christina Tarantola’s Quantum Queen transformation course. It was a once in a lifetime, inspiring, healing, and truly transformative experience. With her blessed help I have opened my own online coaching business to help women embody their soul gifts and discover their super powers. I am a pharmacist, and never before thought or dreamed I could use my skills outside of the pharmacy setting, in more of a 1:1 approach tailored to my clients needs. That is until I met Dr. Christina. She talks the talk and walks the walk.

I find her truly inspirational, loving, supportive and understanding. We need more women like her who are strong, powerful, truthful, and leading with example. Creating their own successful businesses and designing their lives by their own rules!!! Thank You for being a trail blazer for me and so many other women.

Gretchen Bennett – Virtual Assistant

Yesterday I took the first step down my new path. A path filled with love, trust, hope and light. I began my wellness coaching with Dr. Christina Tarantola Transformation Coaching. Guys, let me tell you… this chick is the real deal. I’ve had one phone call with her and one VIP session. The clarity I’m already seeing and the insight she has is something that just truly blows me away. Oh, and she gave me a tiara… how can this not be an amazing thing!? 👑

Wise words from this wise woman:
The words you speak to yourself are the perfect medicine for your pain.

I had this experience as she told me, ‘You have so much power inside you.’ I instantly started to tear up. This session had me in a very vulnerable position, but I feel so at home with her (if that makes sense). 💜

She saw me so clearly…from a pure space of love, from a pure space of light. I had decided it was time to invest in myself and I am so excited to see where this takes me. I’m going into this with a 100% open mind. As I told Dr. Christina yesterday, I don’t have a solid goal because I’m not sure what I want right now, I’m not sure who I am right now.

The sky is the limit and only good things can come from this!!

If you have been considering taking you business to the next level and aren’t sure how or bringing power back into your mindset – check out Dr. Christina, look at her website, schedule a call to see if she’s a fit with you, just take a leap. I can promise it will be worth it.

Retreat Experience

Jillian Babish Testimonial for Quantum Queen Program

Leianne Krotec – Sales Executive

Whenever I’m around Christina, I immediately feel calm, confident and completely trust her. 

I barely know her, but I feel like I’ve known her for the past 20 years. 

She literally engages and tunes into each person. It’s truly incredible! Anyone could come into one of her retreats and leave a different person. 

Merilee Smith – Business Owner

Working with Christina has been life changing. She’s giving me the courage, compassion, and tools I need to re-discover and connect with my true self and purpose. 

From a genuine place of caring, challenging, and love, Christina helped me disrupt and release these old patterns once and for all. I’m feeling more and more like myself, aligned with my soul! I feel empowered, confident, energized, and liking/loving myself for the first time in a REALLY long time!

Cori Wamsley – Writing Coach

I attended one of Dr. Christina’s live group events, and I was blown away by the change I’ve seen in just the few days since the event.  

I’ve struggled with blocks around visibility because I’ve lacked a full understanding of how I make change in the world, but Dr. Christina knew exactly what to say and do to get the ball rolling in the right direction. 

Now, I’m on fire and I’m unstoppable!

If you want to transform, and discover and unleash your magic, then you need to go to one of Dr. Christina’s events! I loved it so much that I signed up for her program on the spot.

Lynne Lorenz – Designer

Dr. Christina is magnetic, and from the moment I met her, I knew that I needed her in my life.  

I am in her Quantum Queen Transformation Program and have already seen SUCH a big shift in myself in just a few short weeks.

She’ll nudge you outside of your comfort zone, that’s for sure, and it’s all out of love and good intention! After all, you can’t grow without stepping outside your comfort zone!

Judy Weiss

Review of The Lighten Up Kickstarter Program

Six weeks ago I would’ve been surprised that a group of women, most of whom were previously unknown to each other, could bond significantly after meeting only a few times in an online discussion forum. Since joining Christina Tarantola’s Lighten Up Kickstarter Group, however, I’ve become part of the living proof that it can happen!

There are several major keys to the magic Christina creates…

✅First, she provides assignments that facilitate deep introspection regarding core issues.

✔️Second, she carefully selects participants based upon commonalities, openness/receptivity and the capacity to listen and speak from a constructive, mutually supportive stance. The women in our group share from the heart with courage and honesty. We offer reflective feedback, and we uplift and cheer one another onward.

✅Third is Christina herself. She is a uniquely gifted leader and guide whose depth of knowledge, accumulated experience and innate soul-wisdom are a continual source of insight, inspiration  and encouragement.

I strongly recommend The Lighten Up Kickstarter or any of Christina’s programs to every woman who is prepared for profound transformation and ready to realize the promise she holds within her.

Mary Andrus

Review of The Lighten Up Kickstarter Program

In only a few short weeks, I’ve witnessed a tremendous amount of personal growth in myself and others in the group. Christina, you’ve done an amazing job working with us to help identify the areas of our lives where we’re stuck, help us to remove the false beliefs and negative energy that are holding us back, guide us on how we can find out who we are truly meant to be and then showed us how to take the bold steps to get there!

I love that everyone in this group cares for and encourages each other. I left every group call with huge boost of energy and drive to keep moving towards my new path to happiness. Everyone is so supportive and the positive energy and love that everyone brings to the table is amazing. 
The lesson plans were a great guide to help us move in the right direction. When you get involved, journal and engage with others, will you truly learn and grow. This experience has given me the tools for self-empowerment, and I would do it all over again!

Niloufar Malekzadeh – Pharmacist

Working with Christina will be one of the best decisions you make in your life, guaranteed! Not only is she highly knowledgeable in the field of health, she is very caring and has valuable insight about behavioral change and habit formation.

Her passion and genuine care shines through everything she does. Highly recommend her!

Katherine Biggs – Maternal Mental Health & Mood Disorder Specialist

Christina is smart, kind, and empathetic. She is able to assist her clients in exploring concerns with compassion and respect. Her guidance and knowledge are a valuable piece of the personal growth process.

I highly recommend Christina, and am thankful we have her and her services in our community.

Jill Hoffman – Business Owner

Christina is an incredibly intuitive coach. Within a few minutes of our conversation, she was able to zero in on exactly what I needed to focus on in order to get unstuck. Her passion, love and enthusiasm is contagious and inspiring and knowing her has been a true blessing.

I would recommend Christina to anyone who’s looking to make a shift in their life and to live with more alignment and integrity with who they really are.

Anne Bacher – Healer and Aromatherapy Consultant

Dr. Christina is both knowledgeable and genuinely interested in serving the individual needs of each person with whom she interacts.

I have had the privilege of attending 2 large seminars that she led, and being the beneficiary of a business/mindset coaching call. She inspires and encourages in every encounter. Highly recommended!

Anne Bacher

Lisa Coury – Business Owner

I cant say enough about Dr. Christina. I was highly referred to Christina for hypnosis. Her style and technique were a perfect fit for me as hypnosis made me a bit nervous.

My personal results were so good I had one of my sons see her as well. His results were equally as significant as mine. I highly recommend Dr. Christina to anyone seeking to better their lives or move beyond any self limiting beliefs.

Lisa Coury

Emily Tilden – Tax Manager

I’ve been through one of Dr. Christina’s programs and have attended one of her workshops.

She is one of the most insightful and genuine people I have the pleasure to learn from. She always gives me something to think about and has given me tools to help deal with stress and feeling overwhelmed. I highly recommend working with Christina.

Emily Tilden

Dr. Christina Loccaisano – Pharmacist

I have worked with Christina in the past and let me tell you, it was one of the BEST investments I have ever made!  

She has helped me to grow a sense of confidence I didn’t know existed. She helped me realize that I am worth love not only from others, but myself.

If you are wondering if you should take the leap, GO FOR IT! 

Dr. Christina Loccaisano

Pamela Power-Scanlon – Author

Dr. Christina is so knowledgable! Having tools that we can pull out of our toolbox when we are struggling is so powerful. I know I’ll be using thesestrategies daily.

I’d recommend her events to any woman who is looking for more confidence and fulfillment.

Pamela Power-Scanlon

Deanna B. – Bank Manager

I loved everything about Dr. Christina’s most recent event – the visualizations, trainings, and meditations. All of the content was so powerful! 

Dr. Christina is a bright light and I’m just so grateful that she shares her gifts with the world!

Deanna Budzewski