Putting Belief Before Evidence

🌟I’m not impervious to fear. In fact, I am constantly stretching myself out of my comfort zone. I just don’t let fear stop me. Recently I hired a YouTube editor for my videos and let’s just say it isn’t cheap. My goal by hiring this editor is to reach and impact more people through my YouTube channel. My goal is to reach … Read More

Releasing Overwhelm in 5 Minutes

This week I want to talk about a big block I am helping women inside of my Elevate membership with. What is it? Overwhelm. Typically, when we are overwhelmed, our fight/flight response is switched ON and we can experience physical and emotional symptoms (irritability, anxiety, etc.) Yesterday I recorded a POWERFUL meditation to help you quickly shift to release overwhelm (in … Read More

The X Factor of ALL Great Coaches

Happy 4th of July! Speaking of fireworks, I want to talk to you about getting triggered and fired up. I want you to think of the BEST coaches in the world – sports, cooking, or otherwise. They all have similar qualities. Let me explain…👇👇 My husband, Eric, LOVES watching Robert Irvine. He’s an English celebrity chef who goes into failing … Read More

Illuminated Feminine Podcast Episode #9. Aligning Your Feminine Energy in Business

As a seasoned pharmacist, leader and entrepreneur, Dr Jerrica Dodd is passionate about helping pharmacists figure out “the how” in order to pivot in their career, build a business and ultimately the life of which they dream. She works with clients on mindset challenges, building a strong network, and positioning themselves to attract clients. She specifically works with pharmacists because … Read More

Letting Go of the Old in Order to Let In the New

Can you relate? 👇👇 You want some new outcome in your life. ✅Maybe you want to find a partner or take your relationship to the next level to get engaged or married. ✅Maybe you want to become stronger and healthier. ✅Or start or grow a business. Here is what very few coaches talk about…The law of transmutation. {Stay with me … Read More

Releasing and Reframing the Stories That We Tell Ourselves

Last night I kicked off a 6 month coaching program I am facilitating called Release & Rise. This is a program for visionary women ready to release the limited 3D self to step into their Highest 5D embodiment to experience more ease and flow. More about 3D and 5D another time. 😉 Our group spoke about releasing the stories we’ve been … Read More

Are You Noticing the Signs in Your Life?

🌟Signs are everywhere. Are you open to seeing and listening to them? When you pray for something, it always shows up in some form. However, it may not be in the way you expect. 😉 A huge part of this is trusting yourself. Let’s say you have a desire in your heart to start a business or write a book. You … Read More

When Control Blocks Your Magic

This morning I had a powerful epiphany and wanted to share it with you… 🌟🌟What if CONTROL was actually blocking you from experiencing more MAGIC in your life? Control is a survival mechanism that many of us have on autopilot as a defense mechanism to keep us ‘safe’. It’s a fear-based frequency that often goes under the radar because we … Read More

Why Your Desire Hasn’t Shown Up Yet

We all have desires and things we want. It’s human nature. Maybe your desire is better health, to attract a healthy partner, to write a book, do a TEDx talk, create a movement etc. Your desires were placed in your heart for a reason. So how do you actually have that desire drop into your reality? Often it is our … Read More