How to Create a Profitable Healing Business WFH as a Mom

One of the biggest reasons Healers in Healthcare come to work with me is because they want to create a profitable, impactful healing business. If that’s you, you’re in the right place! I know that if you’re a mom wanting to grow a business you want to do this WITHOUT sacrificing quality time with your kids or skipping workouts. You … Read More

Soulful + Strategic Sales: How to Transmute ‘Rejection’ when Selling

How to transmute the energy around a lead saying – ‘No’ One of the biggest fears my clients have when selling is facing rejection and hearing ‘No.’ Here are some quick tips to transmute rejection so you’re selling confidently! Here’s what I want you to think about… #1. Take the meaning out of it – A “No” doesn’t mean NO … Read More

Podcasts & Interviews Featuring Dr. Christina Fontana

After being inspired by a dear friend, Matt Scoletti who set a goal to impact 200 audiences in 2024, I’ve decided to do the same! My word for 2024 is IMPACT and my goal is to impact 200 audiences this year!  On this blog, you’ll find links to all of the podcast episodes I’ve been featured in so you can … Read More

Navigating Pregnancy As a Full-Time Entrepreneur: The Second Trimester

Welcome back to Part 2 of my 3-part series on Navigating Pregnancy As a Full-time Entrepreneur!  I want to share my real-life experience as I move through each trimester of this journey. Btw, if you missed the first blog of this 3-part series, you can check that out HERE.  The second trimester of pregnancy was a breath of fresh for me … Read More

My Pregnancy Journey as a Full-time Entrepreneur: The First Trimester

My Pregnancy Journey as a Full-time Entrepreneur Being an entrepreneur and having a baby has different challenges (and perks) as opposed to being a 9-5 employee. In this blog series, I would like to share my experience as I move through pregnancy and beyond! I’ve been getting a TON of questions about my pregnancy journey and I am so happy … Read More

Three Principles to Call in More Clients for Your Business

If you’re wanting to call in more clients + cash in your business you may already be trying these strategies… Working harder, posting more on social media, getting on more podcasts, etc… Telling yourself you just need to manage your time better or to ‘buckle down’ and focus to get to your goals… Try a new strategy like a traditional … Read More

Entrepreneur Looking for an Intuitive Streaming Platform? – Check this out!

If you’re an entrepreneur looking for a powerful streaming platform for your business, check this out!   This blog is short, sweet, and to the point. There are a lot of options out there – BeLive, StreamYard, etc. I personally love Ecamm Live and wanted to share that with you today. Btw, the other platforms are great too!   Btw, … Read More

Client Acquisition Made Easy: Utilizing Affiliate Partnerships to Scale

Client Acquisition Made Easy: Utilizing Affiliate Partnerships to Scale Let’s be real. It costs time, money, and energy to acquire new clients. A client needs to get to know, like, and trust you through repeated marketing efforts and points of connection. Ex: Reading a blog, watching a workshop/video, absorbing your content, etc. In essence, you’re developing a relationship and connection … Read More