Lauren Dantimo Testimonial

Christina Tarantola

“Because of this program, I launched my first course!  Before beginning this program, all I had was an idea.  I didn’t have a business yet or any offers and within 5 months, I launched my first course!
Being in Christina’s energy is not something to take lightly.  She makes her clients feel safe and heard.  She doesn’t dismiss anyone’s struggles, instead she holds them in a safe space, so they feel supported to confront emotions and release old programming.  Going through this journey with other women in my position was incredibly encouraging.  We all lean on each other and support each other’s goals.  If we were ever stuck throughout the program, Christina was there to help.  We all do the work on our own, but her guidance helped tremendously.
At first, I didn’t think the program was appropriate for me.  I didn’t have a business yet.  I knew I wanted to start a business and only had a vague idea of what I wanted to do.  But I took the leap anyway, and I’m so glad I did.  I would recommend this program for anyone in entrepreneurship and at any stage.  There is so much useful content throughout this program, it applies to any stage of entrepreneurship.  Christina teaches strategy, but more importantly, she teaches the internal work we must do to reach that next level.  We are good at burying trauma, but subconsciously it’s still stuck in our bodies and not serving us.  This program helps bring it to your conscious mind so you can release it and move forward.
My biggest breakthrough during this program was realizing how much hurt and betrayal I was hiding deep into my subconscious.  I knew these emotions on the surface, but didn’t realize how much they were holding me back because I chose to bury them instead of feeling them.  Christina made me feel safe to actually feel them and piece by piece, I have been able to release them.  When old programming and things no longer serving us are released, we make space for new things to find us.  After each release, I would get clearer of where I wanted to take my business.
I am so happy I took the leap when I did and did the work for this program.  I’m already so much more confident to pursue this new journey I have been waiting too long to pursue!  Thank you for everything!”
– Lauren Dantimo