👸🏻Have You Ever Said This…? 👸🏻

👸✨“I just need to put myself out there more.”

I hear SO many pharmacist entrepreneurs saying things like this every day.

Things like, “I just need to…”…

“Work on growing my audience.”

“Keep connecting with people and advertising myself.”

“Post more on social media.”

All of these women have good intent, of course. You know I love you pharmacists. ❤ 💋

But there’s a KEY missing piece they’re not seeing. 👇👇

They’re not seeing the disconnect between their DESIRE and the unconscious resistance blocking them from getting to it…that is keeping them stuck at their pharmacy job.

Can you relate?

✅You know you want to attract more clients to scale your business. But all of the effort and work you’re putting in isn’t reflecting in your bank account.

✅You spend time creating Canva images, putting helpful information on social media, and even doing podcasts….but then you hear crickets from your audience.

✅You post consistently, but nada.

I know…it can feel very frustrating to spend the scarce time you have to work on your business (while taking time away from your family), but STILL not see results.

The reason you’re not seeing results isn’t because you’re not smart enough/good enough/further ahead…Trust me, you ARE. 😉

💯It’s because there are blindspots and blocks you’re not seeing because you’re too close to your business.

Here’s what’s happening, Queen. 👇👇

One of three things is taking place –

✨1️⃣You’re posting consistently, but you’re not clearly communicating the deeper brilliance and value you bring to the table. In other words, you aren’t connecting the dots to how you help your clients get life-changing results.

You are sharing the things you KNOW, which is great. But not the deeper levels of you and the practical results you get them. This comes down to ELEVATING your energy + messaging to ATTRACT clients to you.

✨2️⃣You’re not actually CONNECTING with you audience authentically. They’re only seeing glimpses of your true brilliance.

You’re operating from your MIND, trying to post what you THINK they want to know…versus speaking from your HEART. The former operates from the energy moving OUT to ‘get’ clients versus RADIATING out to magnetize them.

This is an energetic shift that has to happen that turns up your magnetism, having your clients become attracted to you (no chasing/begging/needy energy here.)

✨3️⃣You’re posting vague results without the tangible, practical real-life results they’ll get by working with you.

Terms like ‘have more energy’ ‘stop playing small’ ‘up level your mindset’ do not give context to practical results. Without true context for how you’re helping, the person keeps scrolling and says, ‘Oh that’s cool.’

👸✨Owning and communicating your brilliance, elevating your energy, and clearly stating the practical results you get your clients are powerful shifts that have people in your audience MOVE to work with you.

It’s the difference of continuing along on the struggle bus 🚌or choosing to get OFF to have this path be way easier.

These are the powerful needle mover shifts that happen inside of my Elevate Entrepreneur Academy, my 6 month Signature Program to help you shine in your brilliance while attracting your soul clients to scale your business.

When you make these shifts, clients start dropping into your DM’s on autopilot. 😉

You’ll see that your business requires way less EFFORT and ‘hard work’ as you operate from more ease and flow.

✅That means more time with your family.

✅Less stress and feeling like you’re throwing darts in the dark (precision changes the game.)

✅Easier, smoother path to scaling your business.

This is why I always say, “It’s allowed to be easy.”

👸✨ Message my team if you’re ready for this path to be easier. Payment plans available.

I’m here to help. ❤



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