Bringing Dreams to Fruition

💫If you can hold your vision in your mind, it can come to fruition in your reality.

Today I want to tell you a story about how easily your desires can drop into your reality.
I attended a retreat in San Diego back in September 2019. If you’ve been on my newsletter list, you remember me talking about this. It was a group of about 15 women and we were in a huge mansion for a transformative weekend.
On the last day, the group was brought into a meditation where we were guided to receive our life purpose.
When the guide lead us to clear our mind and simply witness what we saw, I instantly saw in my minds eye, a map of the United States (like the one above.) Then I saw a bunch of lights popping up all over the map.
I instantly knew what was being shown to me.
I also heard the words ‘ignite light workers’ and got full body chills. In that moment, God was showing me my purpose – to ignite light workers from all over the world into their brilliance.
I had no clue how this would come to fruition…until now as I reflect back on how my life has unfolded since then.
Side note: I’ve also shared with you how I’ve seen visions of a room full of women with crowns on as I was leading them through transformation.
Fast forward to today…
I just launched the Elevate retreat in Clearwater, Florida. The spots filled up immediately, so much so that we have very limited spots as of now and I’ll be cutting off the registration mid-March.
So I started to think about where all of these women were coming from – Seattle, Cincinnati, Louisiana, New York, Pittsburgh, Wisconsin, Florida. And I recalled that map that I saw a year and a half ago.
In addition, all of them will be receiving crowns as a symbol of embodying their Highest Self.
My mind was blown as I realized how these visions I had came together in my reality.
This is the power of transformation work and getting out of your own way to claim your dreams!!!!
If you can hold the vision in your mind, it can come to fruition in your reality.
It’s ALL possible for you.
Your desires are placed in your heart for a reason.
When you say YES to your transformation and get out of your own way….your dream has no choice but to come to fruition.
Encouraging you in your journey to say YES, YES, YES to your dreams…!!
Share your dreams in the COMMENTS below so I can cheer you on!
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