My Why

This past weekend, I had my brand photo shoot for my business. As I was reflecting on the day, I started to think about my real WHY. So I wanted to share this with you… 🌟To all the women…[MY REAL WHY]🌟 To all the women out there who have ever felt… Criticized, judged, and beaten down because you were different. … Read More

How to Drop Struggle and Open Yourself Up to Receive..

Imagine living in a reality where you didn’t have to struggle, strive, or ‘work hard’ to RECEIVE.👑 ✅Consciously, you want all of the things, right? To receive effortlessly…calling in more abundance💰, clients, vacations…whatever equates to more FREEDOM and peace of mind. 💆‍♀️ 💎To feel confident and safe in your body so you are embodying the woman who owns her power and … Read More

The Debilitating Pattern That Holds You Back…

There is a recurring theme over the past couple of weeks that I’ve noticed clients and friends struggling with. It may be something sabotaging you that occurs as “back ground noise” in your mind that keeps you from moving forward. What is this debilitating pattern, you ask? Overthinking.  Of course, we all do this to an extent – weighing decisions … Read More

Unexpected Shifts of Transformation Work

2018 was a year of transformation and spiritual awakenings. 2+0+1+8 = 11. In numerology, 11 is associated with spiritual transformation, higher realms and divinity. On the collective level we were being called to shed the old to upgrade ourselves for 2019. As the New Year approaches, we tend to make New Year’s resolutions. When we do this, we send a … Read More