I get a lot of questions each week about my books, programs, retreats, and coaching.
So today I am sharing the top questions I get asked each week!
Do you only coach pharmacists?
No. While the majority of the women I coach are pharmacists, I coach TWO subsets of clients.
#1. Empath entrepreneurs wanting to release blocks (imposter syndrome, perfectionism, fear of being seen, analysis paralysis/overthinking) to grow to the next level of their business. These women are brilliant and have so many unique soul gifts to bring to the world, and they may need some support as they rise into more income and impact.
#2. Empaths who want to move through their transformation journey to release self-sabotage, playing small, or suppressing their true desires, feelings, and needs. They want to wake up feeling confident, good enough, and embody their Highest self to create the life of their dreams.
What does 1:1 coaching look like with you?
My transformational coaching process is extremely intuitive and I tap into these patterns and blocks within the first 5 minutes of talking to someone. I hear/feel/sense and can intuit the deeper layers of what’s REALLY going on for them (it’s often not what they think it is.)
You can liken it to this example…It’s just like when a patient comes to you with symptoms of a specific illness, but when you look deeper at their labs/bloodwork, their diet, and lifestyle – you can see the root cause. It’s the same with how I see patterns. These women may PRESENT with certain “symptoms” –
They come to me with… · Experiencing income plateaus · Lots of ‘Not right now’ or ‘I can’t afford it’ on their sales/enrollment calls · Putting in a lot of hard work on marketing/content, without results or leads reaching out
The way I help them is two-fold…
Energetically – I immediately know what questions to ask to help us gently move into the block and shift it instantly. Typically several things need to be released (old pattern, belief, lingering energy held in the body) in order for them to start seeing results. I use and prescribe a variety of self-healing energetic tools and techniques to help with integrating this as a new pattern to create the result they want.
Practically – We also go through a deep dive of their business – their YES/soulmate client, what’s working/not working, and tap into their desires for biz growth. I look at their social media platforms, website, and marketing copy to help them tweak their messaging to up-level the messaging and activate their audience to reach out. I map out a plan to help them accelerate the path of releasing the old patterns, rewiring in new ones, and integrating it to show up more POWERFULLY in their business – thus leading to more income and impact.
But it’s not just ME doing all of the work and showing up giving 100%. I give concrete, practical steps for them to do in between sessions to integrate the shifts and do the ACTION needed to propel them into their next level.
That being said… My coaching is NOT for women who…
-Want to sign up for the program, but aren’t self-motivated to work for the result -Have SO much resistance and fear that they drag their feet and don’t take ownership of their side of the fence -Are too busy to implement the work -Aren’t willing to invest in themselves to get the result they want
This is truly a SACRED process for women ready to step into your power, shine your light, use your gifts – and make higher levels of income and impact! Of course, it’s not all BUSINESS – my clients will tell you, I make it fun, light, and playful. AND I will also lovingly challenge you to call you UP into your Highest expression. 😉 You can apply for 1:1 coaching HERE.
What are the different programs you offer?
I have a beautiful Total Transformation Bundle offer for women who want to launch their soul aligned business and get my top 5 digital products. You’ll receive Quantum Queen e-course, Making the Leap from Retail (Passive Income) Workshop, Monetize Your Magic, Elevate Membership, and Ascension Collection.
I also offer my 4 books and smaller courses on my website shop page.
Is your business spiritual or religious? Do I have to have the same beliefs to coach with you?