How to Create a Profitable Healing Business WFH as a Mom

One of the biggest reasons Healers in Healthcare come to work with me is because they want to create a profitable, impactful healing business. If that’s you, you’re in the right place! I know that if you’re a mom wanting to grow a business you want to do this WITHOUT sacrificing quality time with your kids or skipping workouts. You … Read More

Why Energetic Efficiency will be one of the Biggest Indicators of your Profitability in 2023

I always say that it’s easy to LAUNCH a business, but to SCALE a PROFITABLE business requires  inner transformation work and practical action. In other words, blending energetic alignment with practical, smart systems.  For a business to be PROFITABLE, a pharmacist entrepreneur needs to have several KSA’s (Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes.) As I’ve been researching to prep for my upcoming CE … Read More