In this episode, I talk about recalibrating your feminine essence to connect with yourself and deprogram toxic masculine programming. Contact: Email – [email protected] Website – Connect on Social: Facebook: Christina Fontana IG: @thepharmacistcoach YouTube: Christina Fontana
Why Your Desire Hasn’t Shown Up Yet
We all have desires and things we want. It’s human nature. Maybe your desire is better health, to attract a healthy partner, to write a book, do a TEDx talk, create a movement etc. Your desires were placed in your heart for a reason. So how do you actually have that desire drop into your reality? Often it is our … Read More
Raising Your Standards
So many coaches talk about getting to your ‘next level.’ But what does that really mean? And how the heck do you do it? First, you have to start by RAISING YOUR STANDARDS. Right now you have current standards for your life. 🌟You make a certain amount of $$ in your business or job… 🌟You have your relationships and what you’ll tolerate … Read More
The Highest Version of Yourself
✨There is a Highest version of yourself that exists somewhere in the future. This version of you feels… -Confident, powerful, and safe in your body -Open to trusting your intuition and operating from FLOW -Aligned with your purpose and Divine mission -Worthy of receiving abundance for your gifts So how do you actually GET to that version of yourself in … Read More
Bringing Dreams to Fruition
💫If you can hold your vision in your mind, it can come to fruition in your reality. Today I want to tell you a story about how easily your desires can drop into your reality. I attended a retreat in San Diego back in September 2019. If you’ve been on my newsletter list, you remember me talking about this. It … Read More
My Why
This past weekend, I had my brand photo shoot for my business. As I was reflecting on the day, I started to think about my real WHY. So I wanted to share this with you… 🌟To all the women…[MY REAL WHY]🌟 To all the women out there who have ever felt… Criticized, judged, and beaten down because you were different. … Read More
When Nothing Is In the Way, Everything is Possible…
🌟What would it be like to feel sexy, feminine, and comfortable in your own skin? To really OWN and radiate confidence in your life no matter what your external circumstances were?🌟 My guess is, it would feel SO freeing…like a weight was literally lifted off of you. I talk to so many women who want to transform. Most of them … Read More
When You’re Feeling Stuck in Life…
🤔Have you ever tried washing your car, rolled out the hose, only to find there was a kink? The water pressure 💦was at a bare minimum…and until you let the kink out, the water couldn’t flow properly. 💎The same idea is true for what you attract into your life. If there is a block in your energy, what you are broadcasting … Read More
How to Drop Struggle and Open Yourself Up to Receive..
Imagine living in a reality where you didn’t have to struggle, strive, or ‘work hard’ to RECEIVE.👑 ✅Consciously, you want all of the things, right? To receive effortlessly…calling in more abundance💰, clients, vacations…whatever equates to more FREEDOM and peace of mind. 💆♀️ 💎To feel confident and safe in your body so you are embodying the woman who owns her power and … Read More
🔥When you’re on the struggle bus 🚌…Here’s what to do. (RAW & REAL POST)🔥
🔥When you’re on the struggle bus 🚌…Here’s what to do. (RAW & REAL POST)🔥 Can You Relate? 🙌🏻You have a BIG vision. I mean, it gives you the chills when you think about it. 👏👏It’s you rocking’ it out as an entrepreneur, speaking on stages, and feeling powerful and lit up as you do it. And yet, you are totally getting … Read More