Codependent or Caring? One of the biggest blocks I see in the pharmacists I work with is people pleasing. Since almost ALL of them are empaths and are extremely caring, boundaries become blurred when it comes to client and personal interactions. Often codependency and people pleasing show up together, creating energy drains like over-giving, feeling overly responsible for clients, hand-holding, and … Read More
How People Pleasing Keeps You Small
👸✨ The path of least resistance is often to revert back to the SMALL version of you. [I’m a STAND for your greatness, Queen] This is the ‘small’ version of you that… ✨Is tamped down, is a ‘good girl’, and suppresses your true needs and desires because it’s easier to not rock the boat or upset the apple cart. ✨Feels guilty, unworthy, or selfish for speaking your … Read More