👸🏻✨👸🏻✨I recently spoke to a pharmacist who said….
“I’m in several other programs…..I’d dump them all if I knew your Elevate Entrepreneur Academy was going to be the one that ACTUALLY got me the results I want.”
✨Like her, you’ve probably taken a bunch of online courses and 💸💸coaching programs, but you’re still miles away from the income months you’ve been working towards.
And deep down you KNOW that…👇
✨One hypnosis recording…
✨One free 3-day visibility challenge…
✨Another certification…
✨Or the myriad of other trainings floating out there on the internet…are really just band-aid solutions to the deeper transformation you need to build a PROFITABLE healing business.
Maybe you’ve said “maybe later” to lots of thing that can move the needle because you…
✨Crave the security/safety net of your job and familiarity it brings…and you know you’ll be committing and going all in on your dream
✨Hide behind certifications (like I did for so many years) justifying that if you JUST put yourself out there, you can get clients
✨Are too busy/overwhelmed with life or other programs (that aren’t actually moving the needle in the direction you need them to.)
✨Are waiting for the “right time” to play full out in your business bc life is too hectic right now.
Here’s my bold invitation for you – Give yourself permission to DITCH these programs. 👋🏼👋🏼
Most people won’t and here’s why…
The “sunk cost fallacy” states that we often stay with something bc we’ve invested time, $, or energy in it…EVEN if it isn’t working!
Just like if you watch a movie 30 minutes in (but don’t like it), you’ve already committed so you continue watching…🎥
If it ain’t workin’, let it GO!
[Back to calling in clients with ease…]
So why does it feel so difficult to consistently attract those high-end clients to your inbox?
The truth is, it’s about the INNER shifts and OUTER strategy you need to scale….and those clients you crave to call in are already there in your world 😉
All you need is to:
✨Activate them through communicating your brilliance and being VISIBLE in your leadership energy so they are consistently reaching out.
✨Release patterns of self-sabotage anchoring you to old identities, beliefs, and programming. This allows you to show up consistently with more EASE and FLOW (no more dimming/shining inconsistency patterns here! 👋🏼)
✨Wire in an elevated subconscious identity – showing the Universe you’re ready for MORE, while creating easy processes to call in more clients + cash for your heart-centered biz.
It’s allowed to be WAYYY easier, Queen. 👸🏻
My Queens in EEA are already seeing the simple path.
So when the pharmacist I talked to👆could SEE the path to creating those $10k months she wanted…she enrolled immediately into the Elevate Entrepreneur Academy.
(ANDD… 2 weeks into the program, she doubled her prices and she just sold her new $4k program!! 🔥 There are many more wins like this in the EEA community.
Elevate Entrepreneur Academy streamlines the process – with the shifts, strategy, and support that can easily help you call in high-end clients month after month.
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