Illuminated Feminine Podcast Episode #12. Upgrading Your Confident Self-Image – Part 3 of The Confident Career Expansion Series

Tune in as Dr. Brooke and Dr. Christina wrap up this 3-part series! Brooke Griffin, PharmD, BCACP, is professor of pharmacy practice and vice chair of clinical services at Midwestern University. She is the founder and content creator of 21st Century PharmD, a virtual resource for pharmacy students ( She coaches students on how to make the most out of … Read More

Illuminated Feminine Podcast Episode #11. Mastering Your Confident Career Mindset – Part 2 of The Confident Career Expansion Series

Tune in as Dr. Brooke and Dr. Christina delve into mindset hacks to help you expand your career! Dr. Christina shares her transformation tools and leads you through a meditation to shift your mindset. Brooke Griffin, PharmD, BCACP, is professor of pharmacy practice and vice chair of clinical services at Midwestern University. She is the founder and content creator of 21st … Read More

Putting Belief Before Evidence

🌟I’m not impervious to fear. In fact, I am constantly stretching myself out of my comfort zone. I just don’t let fear stop me. Recently I hired a YouTube editor for my videos and let’s just say it isn’t cheap. My goal by hiring this editor is to reach and impact more people through my YouTube channel. My goal is to reach … Read More

Feeling Guilty About Setting Boundaries in Your Business? {Here’s What to Do}

I can totally relate. Lately, I’ve been getting TONS of messages from LinkedIn, emails, Facebook requests, etc with people asking me questions or wanting to ‘pick my brain.’ Last week I felt guilty because someone wanted me to talk to their daughter to have an ‘encouraging conversation’ about being an entrepreneur. She had no interest in being a client at … Read More

Nothing Changes Without Changing Patterns and Beliefs

🌟🌟What You’re Doing Isn’t Working…But You Keep Doing it. {Sound Familiar?} Have you ever experienced this? 👇👇 When you think back to an average week for you, you tend to… Think the same thoughts. 🧠 Feel the same feelings. Have the same habits. 🧐 And nothing changes…😬even though you WANT a new outcome. Here’s the thing… Without awareness, we tend … Read More

Why Do We Self-Sabotage? The Unconscious Payoff

Why Do We Self-Sabotage? This is a question I get often in my transformation coaching business. Why would we subconsciously sabotage our efforts? Because there’s a hidden PAYOFF. If you procrastinate, avoid, delay – you don’t have to feel uncomfortable making a choice to change. You don’t have to actually face the fear of the unknown and you stay safe … Read More

Releasing Overwhelm in 5 Minutes

This week I want to talk about a big block I am helping women inside of my Elevate membership with. What is it? Overwhelm. Typically, when we are overwhelmed, our fight/flight response is switched ON and we can experience physical and emotional symptoms (irritability, anxiety, etc.) Yesterday I recorded a POWERFUL meditation to help you quickly shift to release overwhelm (in … Read More

The X Factor of ALL Great Coaches

Happy 4th of July! Speaking of fireworks, I want to talk to you about getting triggered and fired up. I want you to think of the BEST coaches in the world – sports, cooking, or otherwise. They all have similar qualities. Let me explain…👇👇 My husband, Eric, LOVES watching Robert Irvine. He’s an English celebrity chef who goes into failing … Read More

Illuminated Feminine Podcast Episode #8. Reconnecting to Yourself to Find Fufillment

In this episode, Francine Favret and I delve into spiritual healing, transformation, marriage, and more about leadership. I met Francine at Joe Williams Speakers Bootcamp in 2017 and we’ve grown A LOT individually during this time! Tune in for a fun, upbeat episode! About Francine: As an owner of a thriving coaching business and founder of signature transformational programs, Francine … Read More